Construction Drill, Blast & Anchoring Specialist since 1984

North Qld Ground Screw Agent

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Jennings Drill & Blast Pty Ltd ( J.D.B ) is based in Townsville, We are a dedicated drilling and blasting company specializing in Ground Screws / Piles ,Construction Drill & Blast, Civil Excavation, Slope Stabilization, Rock / Soil Anchors, Solar Farm Drilling and Power Transmission Line projects.

J.D.B was founded in 1994 by Warren Jennings, Warren began in the construction drill and blast industry in 1989 at the age of 15 and currently has (37 years) experience in all aspects of construction drilling, anchoring and rock excavation. We also design / modify or build special purpose drill rigs for "out of the ordinary " applications.
We pride our selves in " FINDING A WAY " to complete unusual projects.

The company has successfully completed many unusual and demanding projects to date such as Land Slide emergency works, Un blocking large silo's, close proximity blasting in built up areas and difficult terrain drilling.

Our clients include :- Private Residential, Builders, Developers, Councils, Civil Contractors, Military, Solar Farms, Geotechnical Engineers and Communication Companies and Powerline Companies
such as :- Ergon Energy, Downer EDI, John Holland , Balfour Beatty, UGL and many more.

We have also recognized the need for rock breaking methods other than using high explosives "See in Services".


Ground Screws are durable engineered ground anchors ,quick to install, requiring no concrete,no excavation ,no curing times or formwork instantly ready to anchor structures or build upon and can also be easily removed for reuse on your next project or to leave the site in its prior natural state. Ground Screws are available in multiple diameters and lengths to suit your projects requirements.

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Drilling and Blasting

Warren Jennings began his career at age 15 as a trainee Shot Firer and Driller with a company which specialised in working in built up areas such as Brisbane CBD and North Queensland

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Rock, Soil and Concrete Anchors

We can supply the anchor materials, Drill various diameter holes and install and grout to Engineers specifications.

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Nonex Safety Cartridges for rock / concrete breaking.

Nonex is very well suited for rock excavation in sensitive areas where high explosives are prohibited or for sites where the transport and storage is difficult.

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Non - Explosive Cracking Agent

"Cracking Agent " is a very safe method for cracking rock or concrete where vibration and noise are prohibited, No licence is required to use this product.

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Water Bores

We offer a finished waterbore drilling service for the domestic market in poor access areas.

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Electrical Earth Drilling.

We offer a Drilling service of various diameters from 1 meter to 30 meters depth for electrical sub stations, power poles and towers.

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Boulder Buster Device.

Boulder Buster is a hand portable non explosive device for cracking rock or mass concrete in sensitive areas

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Solar Farm Pre Drilling For Piling.

Pre Drilling speeds up the piling progress and increases accuracy.

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Hand Held Rock Drilling

We offer a hand held rock drilling service when access is very poor preventing drill rigs from being utilized or the job is too small to warrant the use of a drilling rig.

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With over 37 years experience in conventional and non conventional methods, we can offer advice to get your project running smoothly.

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Test Drilling

Test drilling on your project can identify future potential rock problems early when at project design stage saving costly delays at construction time.

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  • P.O Box 7887 , Townsville, QLD, 4814

Warren Jennings

Owner / Hands on Operator

Warren began in the drilling and blasting industry back in 1989 up until the current date. Warren is of a " hands on operator " on most projects and holds a open un-restricted shot firers licence and a National drillers licence.